***this post is written by Shailen***
I left Istanbul and Alisa behind and headed back to The Land of the Long White Cloud, New Zealand to witness one of the greatest event of 2008!
My Sister, Presheen, was due to have a baby boy on the 14 March 2008, so I decided to surprise her and travel to NZ to be with her when she gives birth.
My plans were to be in NZ 2 weeks before the baby was due, just in case, and leave 2 weeks after he was due, just in case!
I left on Sunday 2 March and only arrived in Auckland on the Tuesday 4 March. I travelled for 35 hours (including airport and transfer times) but only managed to sleep for 5 hours! Needless to say, I was knackered when I arrived after going from:
Istanbul - Dubai - Singapore - Melbourne (stopped here for 6 hours with nothing to do but talk to strangers!) - Auckland!!!
I don't even remember seeing Monday 3 March - maybe I was abducted.... LOL
Presheen was shocked to see me and couldn't believe that I had come for this - she was so shocked that I think it sent her into labour because the next day her contractions started!!! At about 7 am on the 5 March, she started having mild contractions but not serious enough to stop her shopping. But the fireworks started to go off that night when it started to increase in intensity and frequency. We didn't sleep at all that night and at 5 am on Thursday 6 March, we went to hospital.
At 0849 on 6 March 2008 Caio Russel Day was born and it was so emotional to see a new life being brought into the world! So yes I cried, I think I cried the most! It may have been because I was so tired or seeing my little sister starting a new family or that she had a miscarriage before and to see this one go so well or even the fact that I actually made it to see this! (I didn't see everything! I was by Presheen's head.)
Caio weighed in at 3.265 kg (7.2 Pounds) and was 52 cm tall and he was adorable! The name, Caio, has Portuguese origin and it means 'to rejoice'.
He is adorable!

Caio sporting the latest fashion trend - Cowboy boots!!! And no I'm not strangling him, I am burping him!

I took part in the drinking horn at Uni!!! Never did it when I was in Uni but now that I left I threw caution to the wind and took part. It was a great excuse to drink during the day! hahaha. I took part with Waddies (my drinking buddy) and we came close to winning the team jug skulls!
I am so glad I had the opportunity to come back to NZ to see my nephew and only wish I could see him more! I really enjoyed my time with my sister too - I think it was the closest we have ever been and it was special to spend that time with her and MJ. We had so much of fun!!! BATMAN!!!
It was great ot spend time with my family too and also catching up with mates! Now I reckon its your turn to come and see me :D
Then it was another extremely long flight back to Istanbul and then on to London, England.....
My Sister, Presheen, was due to have a baby boy on the 14 March 2008, so I decided to surprise her and travel to NZ to be with her when she gives birth.
My plans were to be in NZ 2 weeks before the baby was due, just in case, and leave 2 weeks after he was due, just in case!
I left on Sunday 2 March and only arrived in Auckland on the Tuesday 4 March. I travelled for 35 hours (including airport and transfer times) but only managed to sleep for 5 hours! Needless to say, I was knackered when I arrived after going from:
Istanbul - Dubai - Singapore - Melbourne (stopped here for 6 hours with nothing to do but talk to strangers!) - Auckland!!!
I don't even remember seeing Monday 3 March - maybe I was abducted.... LOL
Presheen was shocked to see me and couldn't believe that I had come for this - she was so shocked that I think it sent her into labour because the next day her contractions started!!! At about 7 am on the 5 March, she started having mild contractions but not serious enough to stop her shopping. But the fireworks started to go off that night when it started to increase in intensity and frequency. We didn't sleep at all that night and at 5 am on Thursday 6 March, we went to hospital.
At 0849 on 6 March 2008 Caio Russel Day was born and it was so emotional to see a new life being brought into the world! So yes I cried, I think I cried the most! It may have been because I was so tired or seeing my little sister starting a new family or that she had a miscarriage before and to see this one go so well or even the fact that I actually made it to see this! (I didn't see everything! I was by Presheen's head.)
Caio weighed in at 3.265 kg (7.2 Pounds) and was 52 cm tall and he was adorable! The name, Caio, has Portuguese origin and it means 'to rejoice'.
He is adorable!

Caio sporting the latest fashion trend - Cowboy boots!!! And no I'm not strangling him, I am burping him!

The proud mummy!
The next couple of days was spent catching up with mates and with my family. My little brother and Sister, Nishay & Samita, came over and suprised us too. Ray organised a get together drinks for me with most peeps.

I took part in the drinking horn at Uni!!! Never did it when I was in Uni but now that I left I threw caution to the wind and took part. It was a great excuse to drink during the day! hahaha. I took part with Waddies (my drinking buddy) and we came close to winning the team jug skulls!
I am so glad I had the opportunity to come back to NZ to see my nephew and only wish I could see him more! I really enjoyed my time with my sister too - I think it was the closest we have ever been and it was special to spend that time with her and MJ. We had so much of fun!!! BATMAN!!!
It was great ot spend time with my family too and also catching up with mates! Now I reckon its your turn to come and see me :D