That night we went to stay with Shailen’s mum’s aunt (known as Kakhi). She was a big part of Shailen’s childhood so it was nice catching up with her and also for me to find out stories about him. We got on really well and she told Shailen in no uncertain terms that he was not allowed to leave me! LOL Hopefully he listens to her. Kakhi lives close to the beach so the next day we decided to have a look at the sun, sand and waves of Durban’s North Beach. Apart from the rain it was really nice. The waves were quite big and the water there is really warm due to the fact that it is the Indian Ocean and you have the warm Mozambique current coming from the north. Along the beach there are these amazing sculptures. There is a guy who spends his day making them hoping for a little money in exchange. He is in the photo below with some of his sculptures. We also went to visit mini town on the beach front which has miniature models of some of the attractions in Durban. It was neat to see and for Shailen it brought back lots of memories.

That night we went to stay with Kahki’s daughter, her husband and child. We spent the next couple of nights staying with Shailen’s cousins and on the Friday night after watching South Africa win the Rugby world cup they took us into town. We went to this place called Groove and although it was a nice club it was as though we walked into a club in India. I think I was one of maybe 3 white people in the whole place. Although apartheid finished in 1994 people still do not mix freely. For me especially it is strange to see.
The next day we went to stay with some more of Shailen’s cousins (believe me when I say he has a big family!). We got there fine and because the driveway was full we parked just down the road. They had guests and once they left we parked the car in the driveway. A while later we went to move the cars around so they could get there’s out in the morning and it didn’t start!!!! We tried kick starting it and so on but no matter what, it didn’t start. There we were with no vehicle again and feeling bad because we don’t know what has happened to the car. There were mechanics that lived around the area and they were saying that the engine was blown which made us even more worried. We left the car parked there and continued on to Pietermaritzburg (PMB), which is about 100 km away from Durban (like Auckland to Hamilton). There we met Shailen’s Uncle ( Ravesh Mama) in PMB who flew down from Joburg on a little 27 seater plane through terrible weather. He was telling us how his plane was getting thrown around in the bad weather and it felt like a roller-coaster ride!
Shailen trying the hubbly bubbly for the first time with cherry flavoured tabaco.
The next day it was Shailen’s birthday. We didn’t do much but he spent his birthday in the town that he was born in, so that was pretty cool. We even drove past the hospital that he was born in 22 years earlier! :) We went out for dinner on his birthday but otherwise it was a quiet one.
Out for a birthday lunch with Ravesh Mama and Shirley Mosie.
And for a birthday dinner with Ravesh Mama.
On the Thursday night we went out to a club in PMB called Crowded House where it was packed. Shailen and Ravesh Mama really enjoyed themselves as there was a lingerie show on! But there was a great atmosphere and we really enjoyed ourselves. While in PMB we also went to the Lion Park which was a bit of a disappointment for me. You drive into this small area and there are about 8 Lions all grouped together in a cage at the end so you couldn't really see them properly. But the best part was as we were driving out there was a Rhino at the side of the road with a man leading him. We were able to pat her. Even thought it was small its skin was so hard!!! But it was neat to see it up close so it wasn't a complete disappointment.

We headed back to Durban for the weekend. On Saturday we went to a place called Ushaka which is a combined Wet n Wild and Sea World. We went into Sea World first and saw a dolphin show (so cute!!!!) and also a seal show (not as good). We then went to Wet n Wild which was a lot of fun. It boasts the highest slide in Southern Africa but also has lots of other steep ones also. Shailen went on all the slides but unfortunately at the last minute I decided not to go on the highest. But I went on all the others so was proud of myself! They have ones that you can go down in tubes and so on which are fun. They also have one called the Lazy River where you sit on tubes and go all around both parts of the park. You go past the shark tanks which are a little scary but otherwise it is nice and relaxing.
Entrance to Ushaka.

That night we went to Aunty Premi's house and had my first South African Braai (BBQ). A whole lot of his cousins came round and it was a good night. They decided that because it has just been Shailen's birthday that he had to have a birthday 'shot' which was in a cup and consisted of some of what each person was drinking - vodka, tequila, southern comfort, brandy etc. He managed to down this with no problem at all to the amasement of his cousins. A few Beers, RTD's and Tequila shots later and he was still fine while everyone else was asleep! Too many years behind the bar i think but doing us kiwi's proud! LOL

Shailen with his cousins and Uncle.
We just spent the next week visiting other family members with Ravesh Mama and spent some time with Shailen's Aaji (Granny on his Dad's side) on her 84th birthday! It was really special.
We spent one night staying at a penthouse apartment in the city that was a friends of Ravesh Mamas. It had a beautiful view over the city and waterfront so we will put some photos on. We were woken up the next morning to the sound of a bagpipes as there was a parade going down the street we were on. So we had a great view of it from where we were. The parade was for Diwali (not sure why the bagpipes?!?).
******Stay tuned for video showing Durban City.******
During that week we also took a drive around the places where Shailen used to live and the area's he remembered which has neat for him to see.
The first place Shailen lived. Flats in PMB.
For those that have seen "Our Little Hobo" picture, this is the set of the photo shoot.
Shailen lived here in Alita Pl (Road named after his mum) after the flats.
Then he moved to this house in Nilgiri Cres in Isipingo.

Then this flat in Isipingo Beach.
Shailen's dad flew up from Cape Town to join us on the 3rd of November and we spent the next week visiting his side of the family (before then it had just been his mum's side!) The night that he arrived we attended Shailen's Uncles 50th birthday which was alot of fun. Everyone was dressed up beautifully and it was fun for me to watch them dancing etc.

Shailen and his Dad.

Me with Dolly Mosie, Dhanu and Niri Mosie.

Parents, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins!
Between visiting family we took a drive out to the mountain range known as The Drakensberg which are beautiful. It would have been nice to stay there for a couple of days but we didnt have any time so just went for the day. We went to a resort in a place called the Drakensberg Gardens and had lunch by the lake. It was really beautiful (even if the service was shocking! - I ordered a cheese and spinach sandwhich and they gave me a cheese and chicken, when I told them they scraped the chicken off and put spinach on-top but there were still pieces of chicken there so it was obvious what they did!!!) Anyway we also played Bowls which was a first for me and a laugh but Shailen is a natural and his dad is a pro from way back so it was good.

Me and Shailen's Dad with the Drakensberg in the background.
The beautiful view we had while having lunch.

A great action shot (even if my technique is all wrong! LOL)
We stayed in PMB again that night seeing his Dad's family this time and visiting places they used to live at there. Once back in Durban Shailen's dad (a super mechanic) managed to sort out the car that had broken down earlier. Thankfully it wasn't too bad and it was nothing that we did so we were happy about that.
While in Durban we also went to this HUGE mall called Gateway which has everything! It even has an surfing area (see below). It takes you all day to walk the mall let alone actually spend time in the shops. Def puts St Lukes to shame!
****Another Video to appear here.****
Shailen and I went to his pre-school, Toddler's Inn, where he went to when he was 4-5 years old and he could still remember most things!!! They could also remember him and his sister and mum so it was neat for him chatting to them.

That Friday the 9th it was Diwali.
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